
Specific and individualized instructional, environmental and assessment strategies required for a student to meet curriculum expectations for a grade/course. Examples of accommodations include: extra time for tests/assignments, scribing of answers, use of assistive technology, preferential seating, chunking of information, frequent breaks and human resources. Specific accommodations are also permitted for provincial EQAO assessments. EQAO distributes guidelines yearly, regarding the permitted accommodations.
A diagnosed medical condition of damage to the brain, resulting from a traumatic or non-traumatic injury, occurring after birth. Traumatic brain injuries involve an external force, like a fall, hit or motor vehicle accident. Non-traumatic brain injuries could result from loss of oxygen, a brain lesion, toxins or illness like meningitis. Temporary or permanent cognitive, emotional, behavioural or physical impairments are symptoms of acquired brain injuries. Acquired brain injuries do not include degenerative conditions like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s Diseases or Multiple Sclerosis (MS), nor congenital conditions like Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).
A concussion is considered a mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that is caused by an impact or jolt to the head which causes the brain to collide with the skull.
A concussion is considered a mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that is caused by an impact or jolt to the head which causes the brain to collide with the skull.
An area of student need based on his/her demonstrated verbal, non-verbal or physical actions.
A diagnosed condition, related to the numerous neurological problems that can result when a child is exposed to alcohol before birth.
In response to a student’s need, individualized alternative programming is developed and taught for the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are not specifically part of the Ontario curriculum. Examples of alternative programs may include: speech remediation, social skills, self-help/personal skills and/or personal care programs. Alternative programming is individualized and documented on a student’s IEP. Alternative programming goals are assessed, communicated at reporting periods and regularly revised.
A diagnosed genetic condition that mainly affects the nervous system. Related characteristics include delayed development, intellectual deficits, severe communication problems and difficulty with movement and stability (ataxia). Symptoms are apparent by six to twelve months of age. Many with Angelman Syndrome also have seizures or epilepsy, and an abnormally small head (microcephaly).
An area of student need, based on his/her demonstrated behaviour.
A diagnosed condition involving heightened feelings of tension and worry, often resulting in physical symptoms, behaviours and distortions in thinking.
Assistive Technology (AT) is any piece of technology that helps a student with or without a disability to increase or maintain his/her level of functioning. These often include lap tops with specialized programs, like speech to text, text to speech, graphic organizers and word prediction software.
An area of student need of any deliberate student absence from school, often referred to as truancy and/or chronic absenteeism that is not due to legitimate illness.
A diagnosed condition that is life long. The characteristics of AD/HD include inattention, impulsivity and over-activity problems. The condition affects somewhere between five to eight percent of children still in school.
An area of student need, involving difficulty with maintaining concentration, especially on non-preferred activities, while ignoring distractions.
A diagnosed receptive language disorder, which makes it difficult to process sounds in speech.
A formal exceptionality, identified by an Identification Placement and Review Committee (IPRC), in the category of Communication and a diagnosed condition.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or Autism is a diagnosis characterized by deficits in social communication and restricted, repetitive behaviours/interests, that are present since a young age and persistent. In the past, subtypes of ASD like Asperger’s and Autistic Disorder were considered separate diagnoses, but the 5th Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-v) removed these subtypes. Now a severity level is included with an ASD diagnosis (Level 1: Requiring support, Level 2: Requiring substantial support and Level 3: Requiring very substantial support). ASD is caused by combinations of genetic and environmental factors.